The rate of rise of power utility in a country represents its development in any field” necessity is the mother of invention “.so, efficient and reliable power supply is the major requirement of any power supply system. as in many other areas, the computer applications in electrical power system have grown tremendously over the last several decades ,penetrating apparently all aspects of electrical power systems including operational planning ,energy management systems, automation of power generation ,transmission and distribution, protection relaying, etc. a system used to monitor and control equipment and process is Called SCADA.SCADA system is the one of the applications of it.
The present paper explains about the whole SCADA system, its hardware components, software components and its application programs. in hardware components its field instrumentation, remote stations, communication network, central monitoring station are explained. in software components data acquisition and processing ,control, alarm handling, logging and archiving, automated mapping and facility management etc.are considered. and very clearly the appliCation programs like load shedding ,load balancing, remote metering ,maintain good voltage profile, maintain, maps, fuse Call off operations, energy accounting, etc. are emphasized.
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