Broadband Over Powerline

Despite the spread of broadband technology in the last few years, there are significant areas of the world that don’t have access to high-speed Internet. When weighed against the relatively small number of customers Internet providers would gain, the incremental expenditures of laying cable and building the necessary infrastructure to provide DSL or cable in many areas, especially rural , is too great. But if broadband could be served through power lines, there would be no need to build a new infrastructure. Anywhere there is electricity there could be broadband. Technology to deliver high-speed data over the existing electric power delivery network is closer to reality in the marketplace. Broadband OverPowerline, is positioned to offer an alternative means of providing high-speed internet access, VoicE over Internet Protocol (VoIP), and other broadband services, using medium – and low – voltage lines to reach customers’ homes and businesses. By combining the technological principles of radio, wireless networking, and modems, developers have created a way to send data over power lines and into homes at speeds between 500 kilobits and 3 megabits per second (equivalent to DSL and cable). By modifying the current power grids with specialized equipment, the BPL developers could partner with power companies and Internet service providers to bring broadband to everyone with access to electricity
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