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Viruses and Worms

Added on: March 11th, 2012 by No Comments

One of the most high pro?e threats to information integrity is the computer virus. In this paper, I am presenting what are viruses, worms, and Trojan horses and their differences, different strategies of virus spreading and case studies of Slammer and Blaster worms.

The internet consists of hundreds of millions of computers distributed around the world. Millions of people use the internet daily, taking full advantage of the available services at both personal and professional levels. The internet connectivity among computers on which the World Wide Web relies, however renders its nodes on easy target for malicious users who attempt to exhaust their resources or damage the data or create a havoc in the network.
Computer Viruses, especially in recent years, have increased dramatically in number. One of the most highpro?le threats to information integrity is the Computer Virus.

Surprisingly, PC viruses have been around for two-thirds of the IBM PC’s lifetime, appearing in 1986. With global computing on the rise, computer viruses have had more visibility in the past few years. In fact, the entertainment industry has helped by illustrating the effects of viruses in movies such as ”Independence Day”, ”The Net”, and ”Sneakers”. Along with computer viruses, computer worms are also increasing day by day. So, there is a need to immunise the internet by creating awareness in the people about these in detail. In this paper I have explained the basic concepts of viruses and worms and how they spread.

The basic organisation of the paper is as follows. In section 2, give some preliminaries: the de?nitions of computer virus, worms, trojan horses, as well as some other malicious programs and also basic characteristics of a virus.

In section 3, detailed description: describe Malicious Code Environments where virus can propagate, Virus/Worm types overview where different types have been explained, and Categories of worm where the different forms of worm is explained in broad sense. In section 4, File Infection Techniques which describe the various methods of infection mechanisms of a virus. In section 5, Steps in Worm Propagation describe the basic steps that a normal worm will follow for propagation.

In section 6 Case studies: two case studies of Slammer worm and blaster worm are discussed.

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