Security Issues in Grid Computing

The last decade has seen a considerable increase in commodity computer and network performance mainly as a result of faster hardware and more sophisticated software. Nevertheless there are still problems, in the fields of science, engineering and business, which cannot be dealt effectively with the current generation of super computers. In fact, due to their size and complexity, these problems are often numerically and/or data intensive and require a variety of heterogeneous resources that are not available from a single machine. A number of teams have conducted experimental studies on the cooperative use of geographically distributed resources conceived as a single powerful computer. The new approach is known by several names such as, Metacomputing, seamless scalable computing, global computing and more recently Grid Computing.
The early efforts in Grid Computing started as a project to link super computing sites, but now it has grown far beyond its original intent. The rapid and impressive growth of internet has become an attractive means of sharing information across the globe. The idea of grid computing has emerged from the fact that, internet can also be used for several other purposes such as sharing the computing power, storage space, scientific devices and software programs. The term “Grid” is chosen as it is analogous to Electrical Power Grid where it provides consistent, pervasive and ubiquitous power irrespective of its source. The main aim of this paper is to present the state- of-the-art and issues in Grid computing.
This paper aims to present the state-of-the-art of Grid computing and attempts to survey the major international efforts in developing this emerging technology
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